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Why Does My Disposable Vape Taste Burnt?Updated 5 months ago

Is your disposable vape giving off a burnt taste? This is a common issue, and here’s how to address it.

Possible Causes and Solutions:

  1. Chain Vaping:
    If you're taking quick, consecutive puffs, you may be overheating the coil and burning the wicking material. Take slower, more measured draws to avoid this issue.

  2. Low E-Liquid Levels:
    Disposable vapes come pre-filled, but if the e-liquid level is running low, it could produce a burnt taste. In this case, it’s time to dispose of the device and get a new one.

  3. Expired Device:
    If your device has been stored for a long time, the e-liquid might not vapourise correctly, leading to a burnt flavour.

Looking for a new disposable vape? Check out our Disposable Vape Collection.

Helpful Links:

Guide to Disposable Vape Kits

Contacting Customer Support

If you need any further assistance please contact our customer support team:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 020 3394 0152 (Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 8 PM and Saturday to Sunday 9 AM to 5 PM) 

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